a non-profit 501(3)(c) organization that supports Transitioning and veteran military service members through resource networking platforms developed within community-focused projects.


With you every step of the way

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Founding Your Business

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Expanding Your Business

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Optimizing Your Business

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Our commitment

to promote healthy community activities and family value modeling through our achievements and hosted engagements.


community education for local and state resources within each participating municipal


community awareness of the U.S. Military branches of service and the platform for organizational fundraising and recruitment on a large public scale


mediums for charitable donations & fundraising on a large community scale as a means for organizations to support military, veterans, and community wellness.


events through municipal state parks, utilizing lakeshore waterfronts as a community resource for family leisure and entertainment.

Founded by a
Military Veteran

and diversified board members, CCE cultivates unified comradery amongst social groups, businesses, and private entities to strengthen supporting roles of our Michigan residents with military and veteran based organizatio

No-Cost Experiences

It is our vision to provide various communities with resources to both develop and support organized activities through family-oriented entertainment with a “no-cost” approach to the public.

Education & Awareness

For local communities in MIchigan, we promote skilled trades and opportunities for veteran businesses within each participating municipal along with interactive STEM activities that inspire leading generational youth into a technolcogial future.

Registered Non-Profit

As a registered non-profit 501(3)(c) organization, we support transitioning and veteran military service members through resource networking developed within community-based projects.

Community Focused

CCE's vision to provide local communities with resources to both develop and support organized activities through family-oriented experiences!

Become a Volunteer

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Become a Sponsor

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Become a Local Partner

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Let’s Team-Up for Good!

Get in touch today and let's explore how we can collaborate on our next event!


(616) 350-7752


P.O Box 440
Grand Haven MI 49417

Let’s Team-Up for Good!

Get in touch today and let's explore how we can collaborate on our next event!
